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Upon applying for HERALBONY Art Prize 2025 (hereinafter, the “Competition”) sponsored by HERALBONY Co., Ltd. (hereinafter, the “Company”), I agree to provide my personal information based on the following terms as well as the Company's privacy policy. I hereby pledge that (i) if I am a minor, I have applied for the Competition with the consent of a person with parental authority; (ii) if I am an adult ward, I have applied for the Competition with the consent of my guardian; and (iii) if I am not the copyright holder of the entered artwork (hereinafter, the “Artist”), I have applied for the Competition with the consent of the Artist.

Purpose of Use

I agree to the personal information I have provided being properly and safely managed and operated by the Company for the following purposes:

  • For the operation and judging process of artwork entries in the Competition.

  • For the purposes of use stated in the Company's privacy policy.

Provision to a Third Party

I agree that the Company may provide the personal information to a third party solely in the following cases:

  • Cases based on laws and regulations.

  • Cases in which there is a need to cooperate with a national government organ, local government, or person entrusted thereby with performing the functions prescribed by laws and regulations, and obtaining my consent is likely to interfere with the performance of those functions.

  • Cases in which there is a need to protect the life, wellbeing, or property of an individual, and it is difficult to obtain my consent.

  • Cases where it is necessary to provide the personal information, including details of the disability, to the following judges for the purpose of judging the artworks in the Competition.

    - Christian Berst
    - Hiromi Kurosawa
    - Katsuhiko Hibino
    - Emina Morioka

Request for Disclosure

I and/or the Artist have the right to request disclosure, correction, deletion, and cessation of use of the personal information provided. If I wish to proceed with any of the requests, I agree to cooperate with the Company in verifying my identity.


If the artwork entry passes the first round of judging of the Competition, I will cooperate with the Company as much as possible in conducting the second round of judging, receiving awards(Grand Prize and Corporate Awards), sending artworks to exhibitions, and holding the award ceremony.


HERALBONY Art Prize Office, HERALBONY Co., Ltd.